Let our experts help you.

Diving into the world of underwater sport can be quite daunting and fairly confusing. Let us guide you through the most commonly asked questions we recieve:


1. How do I stop my mask from fogging up?

When a mask is manufactured a thin layer of silicone residue remains on the glass. If not removed, this silicone causes the glass to fog during dives. To remove this layer a pre-cleaner is recommended (toothpaste or Gumption works as a speedy alternative). These products are slightly abrasive and will gently remove the residual silicone. Place a small dollop on the inside surface of the glass and scrub gently with finger (avoid using brushes as they can be too abrasive). Rinse well then repeat 3-4 times as necessary. Do not use a lighter as this will void the warranty and damage the mask seal. Anti-fog will not work until the mask has been pre-cleaned. Anti-fog is designed to create a layer on the glass itself to prevent any moisture build up and fogging. For best results, use anti-fog on on a dry mask lens. Be sure to rinse the mask with fresh water after every use and store in cool place out of direct sunlight to avoid discolouration and deterioration. 


2. What is Anti-fog?

Anti-fog is a solution placed inside your mask or goggles to prevent moisture from fogging up the lens and inhibiting your vision. Anti-fog is available in many different forms including a store bought formula, diluted baby shampoo or even spit. Yes, spit. To apply anti-fog (of any form), place a dollop on each lens and spread evenly with fingers. Leave for 2-3 minutes and gently rinse pre dive or snorkel. Ensure a slight film remains to prevent any fogging when in the water. If fogging still occurs in the water, try using the spit method and clean your mask post dive as explained above in question 1.


3. How can I make sure my wetsuit lasts?

To get the most out of your brand new wetsuit, make sure you thoroughly soak it in fresh water and a dollop of wetsuit shampoo after each use to remove salt. Some of our staff like to knead their suits through the water, making sure to get water through the sleeves and legs. When drying your wetsuit, we recommend using a durable, rounded coat hanger and allowing the suit to dry inside out in a shady area. Turn it the rightside out the next day to to ensure it is totally dry. Do not leave your suit in direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time and store hanging up to avoid uneven creasing.


4. How do I know which masks are made from tempered glass?

All of our adult masks (scuba and snorkeling) and most of our junior masks at The Dive Warehouse are made from tempered glass (not plastic) which means you get a great quality, durable mask no matter which product you buy!


5. Are open or closed heel fins better for snorkeling?

Open or closed heel - it doesnt really matter. It's about what you prefer and what is most comfortable for you. The only time we'd recommend one over the other is if your feet are still growing, in which case you'll get more use out of an adjustable open-heeled fin!


6. Are bungee or buckle heeled fins better for scuba?

Just like question 5, its personal preference!


7. What is the difference between a Full Inflate vs Rear Inflate BCD?

The main difference between a full-inflate and a rear-inflate BCD (buoyancy control device) lies in the placement of the air bladder.

Full-Inflate BCD: In a full-inflate BCD, the air bladder surrounds the diver's torso, providing inflation on the sides as well as on the back. This design offers a more balanced distribution of buoyancy, making it easier for divers to maintain a horizontal position in the water. Full-inflate BCDs are generally preferred by recreational divers and those who prioritize stability and comfort in the water.

Rear-Inflate BCD: In contrast, a rear-inflate BCD primarily features the air bladder positioned at the back of the diver. This design emphasizes a streamlined profile, allowing for more freedom of movement, especially for divers who prefer a horizontal or slightly head-up swimming position. Rear-inflate BCDs are often favored by experienced divers or those engaged in technical diving, where maneuverability and control are crucial.

Both types of BCDs have their own advantages and are suitable for different diving styles and preferences. It's important for divers to choose the type that best suits their specific diving needs and comfort level.



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